Naval Tactical Data Systems (NTDS)

Command-and-Control and Weapons Control Solutions
Naval Tactical Data Systems (NTDS)
Bird Naval Tactical Data Systems (NTDS) products are used at Land Based Training Sites and Engineering Development Sites to support testing of the AEGIS Weapons Systems (AWS) and other associated combat systems equipment that will be installed on-board AEGIS Cruisers and Destroyers.
XPS-32, MPS-32 and NTFSS NTDS Matrix Switches
NTDS Matrix Switches provide the ability to prepare the desired ship or pre-programmed combat system configuration with the simple push of a button.
FX-4 Series, NTDS Fiber Optic Extenders
Fiber Optic Extenders provides a simple means to interconnect up to four Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS).
XBER-4 Tester NTDS Serial Switch Bit-Error Rate Tester
X-COM System's Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) NTDS solutions can significantly reduce maintenance time and effort.