4391A, PEP Dual Element RF Power Analyst

PEP Dual Element RF Power Analyst
Bird's 4319A Power Analyst is a multi-purpose RF Wattmeter designed around a microcomputer. It will compute VSWR, amplitude modulations, and various decibel variables reducing the odds of error. A program stored in permanent memory controls the operation of the instrument at all times allowing for consistent or repeatable measurements no matter who makes the reading.
Monitors Peak Pulse Power, Peak Envelope Power, or CW Power during normal equipment operations in the forward or reflected direction. Designed for air navigational aids DME, ATC and other pulsed RF systems such as telemetry, rader, command and control, etc.
It needs no attenuators, directional couplers or charts and power range and frequency band are determined by the Plug-in Elements used.
PRODUCT FEATURES- Frequency: .45 MHz or 45 mW to 2.7 GHz
- Power: 100 mW to 10 kW
- Measures peak or average power flow, load match, and amplitude modulation in 50 Ohm coaxial transmission lines
- Reads forward and reflected CW or FM power in watts or dBm
- Use with CW, AM, FM, SSB, TV, and Pulse modulation envelopes
- Calculates SWR, return loss in dB and 5 modulation
- Shock-resistant keyboard and range switches