4027A Series, Precision Power Sensors

4027A Series
Precision Directional RF Power Sensors
4027A Series RF Power Sensors bring accuracy and ease of use togeather for the laboratory engineer. In semiconductor processing and other precision process applications where accuracy is critical, these sensors are capable of 1% accuracy at the calibrated frequency and power level. Calibration is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), providing additional confidence is sensor measurement.
PRODUCT FEATURES- 1% accuracy at specified frequencies and power levels
- Models do not need to be field calibrated before use and only need to be calibrated once every year
- Plug and Play with the 4421A Seres, Multifunction Power Meter
- Dozens of connector options avaliable
- Calibration traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Enhances the set point accuracy of the CW RF source
- Optimizes source-to source consistency arcoss the fleet
- Delivers forward and reflected power measurements to 1% accuracy
- Reduces ambiguity with straightforward operation and measurement display
** For applications with harmonic greater than -50 dBc, contact the factory for versions of 4027A Sensors with filtering included.