4022, 25 MHz-1 GHz Directional Power Sensor

4022, 25 MHz - 1 GHz, 300 mW to 1 kW
Directional RF Power Sensor
Call (866) 695-4569 for Quote or Email us for more information
4022, RF Power Sensor is a cost-effective solution for maintaining critical RF systems providing +/-3% full-scale accuracy for applications requiring reliable forward and reflected power measurement.
- Frequency Range: 25 MHz-1 GHz
- Power Input: 300 mW to 1 kW (1.2 kW max.)
- Impedance: 50 Ohms
- Accuracy, Forward: +/- 3% of reading from rated Max to rated Min.
- VSWR Measurement Range: 1.00 to 2.00 (40.0 to 9.5 dB Return Loss)
- Directivity: 30dB (min)
- Insertion Loss: 0.05 dB, 25-512 MHz, 0.13 dB, with female N-Type connectors
- VSWR: 1.05:1, 25-512 MHz (max)
1.10:1, 512 MHz-1 GHz (max) - Sampling Rate: Nominal 2 readings per second
- External DC: 12 VDC, direct plug-in operation supplied from 4421A Multifunction Power Meter
- Connectors: N-Type (F) standard, other customer specified from QC list appropriate for frequency and power